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Are Chromebooks More Secure Than Windows Laptops?

Are Chromebooks More Secure Than Windows Laptops?


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Question from Patsy H: My friend just bought a Chromebook After a salesperson at a computer store told her they were much safer to use than Windows PCs.

Among other things, he said it is impossible for a Chromebook to get a virus.

I would just like to see if you agree with him because I need to buy a new laptop myself.

Rick’s answer: There is no “correct” answer to your question Patsy, at least if the choices are limited to “yes” or “no”.

I’ll discuss the salesperson’s second statement first because it’s the easiest answer for sure. To be honest, he was wrong when I told your friend that it is impossible for a Chromebook to get a virus.

Even though Chromebooks don’t run Windows, they still work by executing a series of programming instructions.

This means that they are vulnerable to infection if one of them manages to bypass the strong security that Google has built in Chrome OS. This can actually happen on rare occasions.

From the above, your Chromebook is much less likely to be infected with a virus or other form of malware than a Windows device, for the following reasons:

1 – There are much more Windows devices in use today than Chromebooks.

This tempts the hackers of the world to primarily target Windows devices because they provide the “most benefit”.

If Chromebooks become more Windows devices, that is sure to change.

2 – Chrome OS is very basic and much less complicated than Windows. This simply means that there are far fewer potential avenues of attack for hackers to exploit.

3 – Chrome OS has built-in security protections that prevent your entire device from being hacked by a single malicious website or dangerous code snippet.

When you close the tab containing the security threat, the remaining tabs will continue to work fine.

As you can see, using a Chromebook is actually “more secure” than using a Windows PC.

However, Windows PCs have some great advantages of their own. For example, there are thousands of really powerful and useful programs and applications that run on Windows but not within Chrome OS.

The same can be said about Apple’s Mac family of computers, too.

Conclusion: If you need a laptop mainly for using the Internet and want it to be as secure as possible, a Chromebook It really is an excellent choice.

However, if you need a powerful machine that can run (and do) pretty much anything, it’s best to stick with either Windows laptop or a MacBook.

Bonus Tip: If you decide to use a Windows laptop, you will find step-by-step instructions for rooting and removing viruses and other forms of malware from it This publish.

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